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    Le Figaro 結果共3筆

  • China rebukes French media for ’misleading report’

    The Chinese Embassy in France, FMPRC, criticized a Le Figaro report for its alleged falsehoods and bias against China’s actions in the South China Sea. The report, authored by Nicolas Barotte, highlighted China’s increasing aggression in the region. The FMPRC disputed the report’s claims, particularly regarding the territorial scope of the Philippines and the status of Taiwan. The FMPRC objected to Le Figaro’s portrayal of Taiwan as a separate entity from China. The embassy emphasized that Taiwan is an integral part of China and called for the media to respect China’s sovereignty and journalistic ethics.
    2023/12/19 15:31
  • 誇金正恩真誠 文在寅請外界嘉獎北韓非核化決心

    南韓總統文在寅接受法國「費加洛報」(Le Figaro)專訪時表示,北韓領袖金正恩態度真誠,且確實有意放棄核武,國際社會應予嘉獎。
    2018/10/15 10:16
  • 美歐貿易戰是否開打? 美:取決於歐盟

    根據法國「費加洛報」(Le Figaro)今天刊出的訪問,美國商務部長羅斯表示,華府並不想和歐洲聯盟(EU)打貿易戰,但緊張情勢是否升溫,取決於歐盟。
    2018/05/31 16:03
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